I am going to put these in order as best I can so I have a record of what our world looked like here. This is my interpretation of what I feel like is important to remember I may have missed things so feel free to remind me, some I have taken out purposely since this is public and I don't need to be in trouble for sharing too much. Saudi has been very proactive on controlling Covid and as a result our death rate is very very very low.
Current Total Stats for Dhahran til June 20th:
Days Counted: 112
Days in Curfew-60
Days in Lockdown- 26
March Stats
Day in March-31
Days in Curfew-8
Days in Lockdown- 0
March 2- First case of Covid in KSA
March 7- All land borders to Saudi closed- UAE, Causeway, Kuwait.
- https://www.arabnews.com/node/1637971/saudi-arabia
- http://www.gdnonline.com/Details/785226/Causeway-rush-as-Saudi-shuts-borders-to-prevent-spread-of-coronavirus
March 8- Qatif goes on lockdown and Saudi schools close. Camp schools go online.
- https://www.arabnews.com/node/1638541/saudi-arabia
- https://www.arabnews.com/node/1638606/saudi-arabia
March 10- No entry from 14 countries. UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Lesbaon, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Oman, Italy, S. Korea, France, Germany, Turkey and Spain. This leave BA & KLM as the only two flight paths still coming in and leaving.
March 11- Hand Sanitizer man makes an appearance for one day.
March 14- All air travel to and from Saudi is suspended for two weeks.
March 15- JHAH quits servicing patients, except emergencies. All community services are closed.
March 17- Mosques are closed.
March 22- Company starts issuing guidelines for safety.
March 24- Curfew in effect 7pm to 6am.
Some photos from this month.
Comm lines. They moved to you have to have an appointment to go to solve this.
April Stats:
Total Days in Month- 30
Days in Curfew-10
Days in 24 Lockdown- 20
April 2nd- U.S. announces 1st repatriation/evacuation flights.
April 6th- 24 hour curfew goes into effect in Dhahran. Tavel permissions to go to and from work, only one person in a vehicle, you can only to go the grocery and work.
April 12- 24 hour curfew is extended until further notice.
- https://www.arabnews.com/node/1657391/saudi-arabia
- https://gulfbusiness.com/saudi-king-extends-curfew-notice/
April 26th- Lockdown lifted!! New curfew- 5pm to 9 am
- https://www.arabnews.com/node/1665181/saudi-arabia
- https://www.saudigazette.com.sa/article/592369/SAUDI-ARABIA/Conditions-set-to-reopen-commercial-firms-malls-in-Saudi-Arabia?fbclid
May Stats
Day in May-31
Days in Curfew-22
Days in Lockdown- 6
May 12- curfew extended NO 24 lockdown again until Eid!
- https://www.arabnews.com/node/1673736/saudi-arabia
- https://www.saudigazette.com.sa/article/593034?fbclid=IwAR2qtopkeX7bAGymqa00MheePq2vlwSAPyWE2C3nrfdZqQ4mN3VcFxEfVn0
May 23- 24 hour Lockdown in effect

May 25- App for permission to walk/jog released.
🔺️ PHASE ONE: Shortening of the 24-hour curfew, allowing free movement in private cars from 6 a.m. until 3 p.m. all areas of the Kingdom except the holy city of Makkah, beginning Thursday (May 28) until Saturday (May 30th)
🔺️ PHASE TWO: Beginning Sunday May 31 until June 20, free movement from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m in all regions of the Kingdom will be allowed except Makkah.
🔺️ PHASE THREE: From June 21, citizens and residents will be allowed to move freely all the time in all regions of the Kingdom except Makkah until further notice.
- https://saudigazette.com.sa/article/593513?fbclid=IwAR0KFn53OQWFVPXHLGRkn_Ny4HTUVLTe_LzZAq_QgzWf22ZHUhhyXQkU7gM
- https://www.arabnews.com/node/1680101/saudi-arabia
June 1- Domestic Flights begin again